Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Skill knight

Imbue 1 – Dalam build ini, skill ini tidak begitu diperlukan, karna damage pribadi yng memang kecil, maka elemen ini hanya berguna untuk memperlambat serangan atau gerak musuh. Jadi saya rekomendasikan untuk Blazing atau Darkness.
Taunt 1 – harus di isi
Protection 5 – buff pertahanan,tapi efeknya belum terasa saat memakai armor lvl rendah
Blessed Shield 5 – meningkatkan block rate
Charge 5 – stunt selama 4 detik

Jumlah 17 skill poin

Skill knight (optional)

Psikis Crash 1 - Hanya untuk membuka skill crash above, untuk kesempatan stunt
Crash Above 5 - untuk 25% kesempatan stun

Skill Defender

Blue Suction 5 – menyerap MP musuh, untuk menggagalkan combo mereka.
Shield Mastery 5 – meningkatkan pertahanan tameng
Taunt roar 1 – Sangat dibutuhkan saat PVE.
Eternal Vitality 5 – buff vit
Shout 5 – untuk mengurangi pertahanan fisik lawan
Shield Burden 5 - Untuk memperlambat pelari, dukungan taktis berguna untuk party Anda
Physical aura 1 – untuk membuka ward
Rush 5 - Untuk menutup jarak dengan sasaran, dan stunt
Defending Nature 5 – menyerap serangan yng diterima anggota party yng di beri skill ini.
Roha's Shelter 5 – membuat salah satu anggota party anda tidak bisa bergerak dan membuatnya tak bisa diserang untuk beberapa waktu.yng bersangkutan bisa menghilangkan skill ini kapanpun dia inginkan.
Ward 5 - Untuk saat Anda atau party anda perlu tambahan pertahanan
Extiction 5 – stunt area
Empower 5 - meningkatkan semua jenis serangan, diperlukan untuk damage anda sendiri, dan untuk meningkatkan output damage anggota partay

Jumlah 57 skill poin
Jumlah total skill poin yng dibutuhkan : 74

Jadi, pada lvl 75,smua skill yng dibutuhkan dapat terisi,masih ada sisa 24 skill point lg yng dapat di masukkan ke skill yng menurut anda perlu.

Skill Defender (optional)

Fixation 1-5 – untuk memberi sedikit perlawanan di saat terjebak sendirian.

Skill Enhancement

Kamu tentu ingin membuat smua skill yng dibutuhkan menjadi lvl 6.Prioritaskan pada eternal Vitality, Empower, dan Defending Nature.

Hanya 3 skill yng sangat diperlukan lvl 7, antara lain, Eternal Vitality, Empower, dan Defending Nature.


Friday, March 23, 2012






Offensive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:BurningCrash.png Crash Blow Lv 5
File:StrikeAttack.png Strike Attack Lv 5
File:WindySlash.png Windy Slash Lv 5
File:DeepRisenSpin.png Deep Risen Spin Lv 15
File:InvisibleRope.png Invisible Rope Lv 15
File:Uppercut.png Uppercut Lv 5


Skill Icon Name Level
File:Fighter'sHeart.png Fighter's Heart Lv 1
File:VitalPowerup.png Vital Powerup Lv 2

Toggle Buffs

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Fighter'sBlessing.png Fighter's Blessing Lv 2

Passive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:1hExp.PNG One-Handed Training Lv 5
File:2hExp.PNG Two-Handed Training Lv 5
File:OffensiveStance.PNG Offensive Stance Lv 15
File:DefensiveStance.PNG Defensive Stance Lv 15
File:EnhancedHp.PNG Enhanced HP Lv 5



Offensive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Bloody Sky.jpg Bloody Sky Lv 5
File:StrikeAttack.png Strike Attack Lv 10
File:WindySlash.png Windy Slash Lv 10
File:Blunt Shield.jpg Blunt Shield Lv5
File:DeepRisenSpin.png Deep Risen Spin Lv 15
File:InvisibleRope.png Invisible Rope Lv 15

Auxiliary Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Attract.jpg Attract Lv 5


Skill Icon Name Level
File:VitalPowerup.png Vital Powerup Lv 4

Toggle Buffs

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Fighter'sBlessing.png Fighter's Blessing Lv 4

Passive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:1hExp.PNG One-Handed Training Lv 10
File:OffensiveStance.PNG Offensive Stance Lv 15
File:DefensiveStance.PNG Defensive Stance Lv 15
File:EnhancedHp.PNG Enhanced HP Lv 10
File:Heavy Armor Expertise.jpg Heavy Armor Expertise Lv 5

Job Passive Skills

Job Passive Name Level
File:ClassPassives.jpg Physical Defense +1
File:ClassPassives.jpg Max HP +1



Offensive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Bloody Sky.jpg Bloody Sky Lv 10
File:StrikeAttack.png Strike Attack Lv 10
File:Double strike.png Double Strike Lv 5
File:WindySlash.png Windy Slash Lv 10
File:Cross slash.png Cross Slash Lv 5
File:Blunt Shield.jpg Blunt Shield Lv 10
File:Shield edge.png Shield Edge Lv 5
File:DeepRisenSpin.png Deep Risen Spin Lv 15
File:InvisibleRope.png Invisible Rope Lv 15
  • Double Strike can only be learned when Lv.10 Strike Attack is learned
  • Cross Slash can only be learned when Lv.10 Windy Slash is learned

Auxiliary Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Attract.jpg Attract Lv 10
File:Attract circle.png Attract Circle Lv 5


Skill Icon Name Level
File:VitalPowerup.png Vital Powerup Lv 6
File:Doom burst.png Doom Burst Lv 3

Toggle Buffs

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Fighter'sBlessing.png Fighter's Blessing Lv 6

Passive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:1hExp.PNG One-Handed Training Lv 15
File:OffensiveStance.PNG Offensive Stance Lv 15
File:DefensiveStance.PNG Defensive Stance Lv 15
File:EnhancedHp.PNG Enhanced HP Lv 15
File:Heavy Armor Expertise.jpg Heavy Armor Expertise Lv 10

Job Passive Skills

Job Passive Name Level
File:ClassPassives.jpg Physical Defense +1
File:ClassPassives.jpg Max HP +1




Offensive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Holy Avenger.jpg Holy Avenger Lv 10
File:Holy spear.png Holy Spear Lv 10
File:Blunt Shield.jpg Blunt Shield Lv 15
File:Shield edge.png Shield Edge Lv 10
File:DeepRisenSpin.png Deep Risen Spin Lv 15
File:InvisibleRope.png Invisible Rope Lv 15

Auxiliary Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Attract.jpg Attract Lv 15
File:Attract circle.png Attract Circle Lv 10
File:Relaxation.png Relaxation Lv 1


Skill Icon Name Level
File:VitalPowerup.png Vital Powerup Lv 8
File:Doom burst.png Doom Burst Lv 6
File:Solid Shield.jpg Solid Shield Lv 1
File:Shield barrier.png Shield Barrier Lv 2

Toggle Buffs

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Fighter'sBlessing.png Fighter's Blessing Lv 8

Passive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:OffensiveStance.PNG Offensive Stance Lv 15
File:DefensiveStance.PNG Defensive Stance Lv 15
File:EnhancedHp.PNG Enhanced HP Lv 20
File:Heavy Armor Expertise.jpg Heavy Armor Expertise Lv 10

Job Passive Skills

Job Passive Name Level
File:ClassPassives.jpg Physical Defense +1
File:ClassPassives.jpg Max HP +1
File:ClassPassives.jpg Hit +1



Offensive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Holy Avenger.jpg Holy Avenger Lv 15
File:Holy spear.png Holy Spear Lv 15
File:Blunt Shield.jpg Blunt Shield Lv 20
File:Shield edge.png Shield Edge Lv 15
File:Rage Strike.Png Rage Strike Lv 10
File:DeepRisenSpin.png Deep Risen Spin Lv 15
File:InvisibleRope.png Invisible Rope Lv 15

Auxiliary Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Attract.jpg Attract Lv 20
File:Attract circle.png Attract Circle Lv 15
File:Saint Heal.Png Saint Heal Lv 5
File:Relaxation.png Relaxation Lv 2


Skill Icon Name Level
File:VitalPowerup.png Vital Powerup Lv 10
File:Doom burst.png Doom Burst Lv 9
File:Solid Shield.jpg Solid Shield Lv 2
File:Shield barrier.png Shield Barrier Lv 4
File:Mental Vortex.PNG Mental Vortex Lv 5

Toggle Buffs

Skill Icon Name Level
File:Fighter'sBlessing.png Fighter's Blessing Lv 10

Passive Skills

Skill Icon Name Level
File:OffensiveStance.PNG Offensive Stance Lv 15
File:DefensiveStance.PNG Defensive Stance Lv 15
File:Heavy Armor Expertise.jpg Heavy Armor Expertise Lv 20

Job Passive Skills

Job Passive Name Level
File:ClassPassives.jpg Physical Defense +1
File:ClassPassives.jpg Max HP +2